Dr.Maisam Jalaly
Assistant Professor
Phone : 77932763
Email : maisam_jalaly@iust.ac.ir
Research Interests
· Advanced Materials Synthesis |
· Metal and Ceramic Composites and Nanocomposites |
· High-Temperature Ceramics |
· Magnetic and Electronic Materials |
· Porous Materials for Various Applications |
· Nanomaterials and Nanoparticles Synthesis |
· Powder Me t allurgy and Mechanical Milling |
· Coatings for Improving Mechanical and Oxidation Properties |
· Self-Propagating High-Temperature Processes |
· Reduction Processes for Valuable Compounds Production |
· PhD in Material Science, School of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran (2013).
Thesis: An Investigation on the Reaction Mechanism of Mechanochemical Synthesis of ZrB2 and ZrB2-SiC composite powder. Supervisors: Dr. Bafghi & Dr. Tamizifar.
· Visiting Scholar, Materials Science Institute of Seville, Seville, Spain (2012-2013).
Supervisor Prof. F.J. Gotor
· M.Sc. in Material Science, Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran (2009).
Thesis: Mechanosynthesis of nanostructured Ni-Zn ferrite and investigation of structural and magnetic properties.
Supervisors: Dr. Karimzadeh & Dr. Eanyati
· B.Sc. in Extractive Metallurgy, School of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy , Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran (2006).
Thesis: Chromium carbide diffusion coating onto the carbon steel by salt bath method.
Supervisors: Dr. Soltanieh & Dr. Rastegari.
1. Journal Papers
1. M. Jalaly , M.Sh. Bafghi, M.Tamizifar, F.J. Gotor, The role of boron oxide and carbon amounts in the mechanosynthesis of ZrB2–SiC–ZrC nanocomposite via a self-sustaining reaction in the zircon/magnesium/boron oxide/graphite system, Journal of Alloys & Compdounds 598 (2014) 113-119..
2. M. Jalaly , M.Sh. Bafghi, M.Tamizifar, F.J. Gotor, An investigation on the formation mechanism of nano ZrB2 powder by a magnesiothermic reaction, Journal of Alloys & Compdounds 588 (2014) 36-41.
3. M. Jalaly , M.Sh. Bafghi, M.Tamizifar, F.J. Gotor, In-situ synthesis of a ZrB2–based composite powder using a mechanochemical reaction for the zircon/magnesium/boron oxide/graphite system, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, DOI: 10.1111/ijac.12202.
4. M. Jalaly , M.Sh. Bafghi, M. Tamizifar, F.J. Gotor, Mechanosynthesis of nanocrystalline ZrB2-based powders by mechanically induced self-sustaining reaction method, Advances in Applied Ceramics 112 (2013) 383-388.
5. M. Jalaly , M. Tamizifar, M.Sh. Bafghi, F.J. Gotor, Mechanochemical synthesis of ZrB2-SiC-ZrC nanocomposite powder by metallothermic reduction of zircon, Journal of Alloys & Compdounds 581 (2013) 782-787.
6. M. Jalaly , M.Sh. Bafghi, M. Tamizifar, F.J. Gotor, Formation mechanism of ZrB2-Al2O3 nanocomposite powder by mechanically induced self-sustaining reaction, Journal of Materials Science 48 (2013) 7557-7567.
7. H. Jafari, N. Ehsani, S.A. Khalifeh-Soltani, M. Jalaly , Nano-SiC/SiC anti-oxidant coating on the surface of graphite, Applied Surface Science 264 (2013) 128-132.
8. M. Jalaly , M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, P. Kameli, Mechanosynthesis of nanostructured magnetic Ni-Zn ferrite, Powder Technology 193 (2009) 150-153.
9. M. Jalaly , M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Investigation of structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Ni0.3Zn0.7Fe2O4 prepared by high energy ball milling, Journal of Alloys & Compdounds 480 (2009) 737-740.
10. M. Jalaly , M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, P. Kameli, Effect of composition on structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline ball milled Ni1- xZnxFe2O4, Physica B: Condensed Matter 405 (2010) 507-512.
11. M. Jalaly , M.H. Enayati, P. Kameli, F. Karimzadeh, Synthesis, grain growth, Cu-doping and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Ni-Zn ferrite, International Journal of Modern Physics B 24 (2010) 1067–1077.
12. H.R. Karimi Zarchi, M. Jalaly , M. Soltanieh, H. Mehrju, Comparison of the activation energies of the formation of chromium carbide coating on carburized and uncarburized AISI 1020 Steel, Steel Research International 80 (2009) 867-873.
13. H.R. Karimi Zarchi, M. Jalaly , M. Soltanieh, Kinetics of chromium carbide formation on AISI 1020 steel by TRD process, Journal of Faculty of Engineering 2008, V.36, N.2 (in Persian ).
14. H.R. Karimi Zarchi, M. Jalaly , M. Soltanieh, Formation of Chromium Carbide Layer on Carburized AISI 1020 Steel by Thermal Reactive Diffusion (TRD) Technique and Evaluation of its Kinetics, Materials & Metallurgy Engineering Journal V.21, No.2, 2010 (in Persian ).
15. M. Jalaly , Study on friction stir welding, Welding Quarterly Journal, Iranian Non-destructive Society, Spring 2007 (in Persian ).
2. Conferences Papers
· H. Jafari, N. Ehsani , S.A. Khalifeh-Soltani , M. Jalaly, High temperature oxidation behavior of graphite coated by dual layer of nano-SiC/SiC, New and Advanced Materials International Congress, Isfahan, Iran, 2012.
· M. Jalaly , M.H. Enayati, F. Karimzadeh, Mechanochemical synthesis of magnetic nanostructured Ni-Zn ferrite, 12th Congress of Iranian Metallurgical Society, Karaj, Iran, 2008 (in Persian ).
· M. Jalaly , M. Kazemi, H.R. Karimi Zarchi, M. Soltanieh, Formation of chromium carbide diffusion coatings by salt melt method, 10th Congress of Iranian Metallurgical Society, Mashhad, Iran, 2006 (in Persian ) .
Author Activities
· Dr. M. Sh. Bafghi, M. Jalaly , An Introduction to Kinetics in Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, IUST Publication, 2009 (in Persian ) .
· Dr. M. Meratian, M. Jalaly , Metal Matrix Composites, Jahad Daneshgahi IUT Publication, 2008, Persian translation of the book by N. Chawla and K. Chawla, Springer, 2006.
· Dr. M. Atapoor, M. Jalaly , An Introduction to the High-Temperature Oxidation of Metals, Jahad Daneshgahi IUT Publication, 2013, Persian translation of the book by N. Birks, G.H. Meier and F.S. Pettit, Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition, 2006.
- Assistant Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran (2014)
- R&D manager, AVAPEZESHK Mnf. Co., Tehran, Iran (2009-2011).
- Research Engineer of casting, Society of Manufacturing Engineering of Iran, Tehran, Iran (2006).
- Research Engineer, Aluminum Research Center, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran ( 2005 ).
Awards & honors
· 2001 , Second Student Award in extractive metallurgy, IUST.
· 2008, “Season Book” Award in IRAN in materials & mineral section for translation of MMC book.
· A fellow in Iran’s National Elites Foundation