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May 29, 2022 -


Satellite Telecommunication Lab   Dr. S. H. Sedighy   Advanced Nanoceramics and Crabon materials Lab   Dr. M. Jalaly   Smart Micro/Nano Electromechanical Systems Lab   Dr. S. Sadeghzadeh   Medicine Nanotechnology & Tissue Engineering Lab   Dr. S. M. Naghib   Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-porous materials Lab   Dr. H. Banna Motejadded Emrooz   Emerging Technologies in Energy Systems Lab   Dr. Maysam Farajollahi   Energy and Environmental Nanotechnology Laboratory   Dr. A. Zahedi   Energy systems optimization Lab   Dr. A. Ahmadi   Renewable Energy Lab   Dr. M. Mirhosseini   Multi-Satellite Space Systems   Dr. M. Bakhtiari   Advanced Radio Circuits and Systems Research Lab   Dr. V. Nayyeri   Novel Intelligent Technologies Lab. (NIT Lab)   Mehdi Nasiri Sarvi